Creating Value
for your
Business Analysis
Economic - financial analysis
Competitive positioning analysis
Analysis of the success variables in BtoB and / or BtoC market
Business Strategy
Evaluation of the legal methods of trademark protection: creation of anteriority and international scouting
Consolidation of market positioning and identification of development trajectories
Economic and financial performance analysis
Choice of product / service positioning
Enhancement of the product
Feasibility analysis to start new business projects
Analysis and design for the launch of new products
Analysis of communication and marketing models
Data Analytics & Data Mining
Supply Chain Management
Change Management
Green Procurement
Risk management
Business Process Services
Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB)
Services oriented to the product or service and its marketing and delivery
Packaging study
Analysis of the composition of the products
Sensory analysis, market testing
Choice of exhibition layout
Enhancement of the nutritional, green and sustainability variables or of the certifications obtained
Labeling analysis
Analysis of export models
- Analysis of legislative compliance (and management of non-compliance)
Communication and marketing tools related to the product
Analysis and application of “free from” brands or other successful claims
Analysis of the organizational structure and HR service
Consultancy on corporate organizational models
Personnel analysis and development
Training activities dedicated to the operational and management areas
Facilitated finance services
Feasibility analysis of the projects for the recovery of the tax credit
Feasibility analysis of development and industry 4.0 projects
Subsidized loans and non-repayable contributions
Sustainability management and communication services
Environmental management systems
Sustainability report
Circular Economy Business Models
Innovation Management Services
Implementation of the technologies envisaged by the National Business Plan 4.0
Analysis and introduction of new technologies and training
Guide to business change
Analysis of the company's digitalization process